AI-driven Points and Cashback Platform​

The First AI-Powered Points and Cashback Platform. Unlock the Power of AI with Tooweze.​

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Tooweze na imprensa

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Tooweze na imprensa

Cashback System

Offer cash back on all purchases.

Return a percentage of the purchase price and surprise your loyal customers, with just a few clicks, easily and quickly.

We help you structure the entire process, from rule validation to program configuration.

Loyalty Program System & Referral Program

Use the loyalty/points program as your competitive advantage

Develop a loyalty strategy that goes beyond simply accumulating points and redeeming prizes, taking your company to a higher level of differentiation in relation to competitors and ensuring an even greater competitive advantage. Improve your strategies to retain customers

Promote your offers and updates to all your customers with a unique app

Push notification

Instantly send promotions and offers directly to your customers

Prize Store

Redeem rewards and prizes with your accumulated points

Your Products

Showcase and manage your own products within the platform.

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Collaborate with other businesses for exclusive benefits and promotions.

Balances and Statements

Easily view and track account balances and transaction statements.

Reserve and Pick Up

Conveniently reserve and collect products or services.

Capture Leads with Coupons: Going Beyond Discounts

Much more than discount coupons

With Tooweze, you can create lead capture strategies, exchanging the coupon code for information from your audience, such as name, email and whatsapp.”>

When customers click on a coupon link on social media, they are automatically directed to a lead capture page. There, he fills in the information and registers to receive the discount coupon.

Competitive Advantage

Loyalty and Cashback as Competitive Edge

Beyond the benefits and sales boost they provide, loyalty and cashback programs act as a decisive factor in setting you apart from competitors. Offering an additional advantage makes it a more logical choice for consumers to buy from you. Use our customer referral software.

Improved Communication with AI Technology

We improve communication through Artificial Intelligence technology.

Technology helps you sell more while running your business. Our Artificial Intelligence creates personalized and automated promotional campaigns, considering the behavior of your customers and the items available in your stock.

“>”>Coupon offer

Offers with our smart promotional system

You can register your products and define a discount interval, for example. Between 10% and 20%, and the system will automate the offers in the application or by sending campaigns via email marketing and push notification.

Artificial intelligence

Weather Intelligence

Our intelligent system monitors the weather forecast in your region, creates reports on how the weather has affected your sales and anticipates suggestions for promotional campaigns suitable for the weather conditions of the coming days.

That way, you’ll always be ahead of the competition by offering discounts on products that will be trending in subsequent days.


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Plano Standard



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Maximize your Sales with Cashback and Loyalty!​

No credit card required

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